Power Systems - Project examples
Uganda - Mutundwe - Entebbe 132 kV Power Transmission Line and Related Substation Works
The project scope comprises the following:
- Construction of approximately 36 km of double circuit 132 kV transmission line between Mutundwe Substation near Kampala City and Entebbe, partly with four circuits and with OPGW on one circuit.
- Extension of the existing 132/33/11 kV Mutundwe Substation (two outgoing 132 kV feeders, extension of busbar system; extension/modification of protection, control, telecommunication, and auxiliary AC/DC power supply systems; civil works).
- Entebbe Substation: Construction of a new outdoor 132/33 kV substation and 33 kV indoor switchgear (double busbar system, two incoming 132 kV line feeders, two 132/33 kV transformer bays with 50 MVA power transformers, one bus coupler bay, protection, control and SCADA, tel-ecommunication and auxiliary power supply equipment, 33 kV indoor switchgear with two incom-ing and six outgoing feeders, a connection by 33 kV underground cable to the existing 33/11 kV distribution; control building, all related civil works).
intec's services
Project Design and Preparation of Tender Documents:
Review of the 2011 feasibility study report; review and adjustment of line route; pegging of angle towers; power system analysis with PSS/E; soil test report and project design report; elaboration of design and technical specifications for transmission line and substations; preparation of tender documents for EPC contracting.
Assistance during the Tendering Stage:
Lead of pre-bid meeting and site visit with Bidders; Bidder's clarifications; bid evaluation; post-tender clarifications; preparation of evaluation report; assistance during contract negotiations; preparation of EPC contracts.Project Management and Construction Supervision:
Review and approval of design calculations and drawings; factory acceptance and site tests; supervision of works on site; monitoring of time schedule; project cost control; processing of contractors' invoices; monitoring of environmental management plan and of the adherence of the social impact assessment recommendations; enforcement of contractor's health; safety and environmental manual; witnessing of commissioning tests; preparation of commissioning protocol; punch list; preparation of final inspection and formal takeover; review of as-built drawings; preparation of project reports.Follow-up during the two-year Defects Liability Period (DLP).
Training of Client's Personnel:
On-the-job training of electrical and civil engineers on power system analysis and design, on the preparation of specifications for transmission lines and substations and on supervision of construction works; elaboration of a detailed training programme and delivery of a 3-week training session for Client's Engineers in the Consultant's home office.
Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. (UETCL)Financing
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)Period of implementation
26.3.2014 - 30.11.2017 -
Vietnam - Smart Grid - Power Transmission Efficiency (Phase 1)
In 2011, the Vietnamese government approved the National Power Sector Development Masterplan VII (PDMP VII) and approved a number of power generation and transmission projects to be implemented between 2011 and 2020. German financial cooperation, via the KfW, contributes a loan for a 2-phase transmission efficiency project.
Phase 1 of this project covered six subprojects, three new 220 kV substations, and three new 220 kV transmission lines for which the Vietnam National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT) prepared feasibility studies and ESIAs.
The consultancy services contracted under this Phase 1 covered contract support to KfW in the preparation of the overall project.
intec's services
- Review of the subproject feasibility studies prepared by NPT and establishment of a summary report confirming technical/financial viability, describing risks and indicating possible gaps plus their remedies
- Site visits to all six subproject locations and mission reports
- Elaboration of project impact indicators, i.e. technical and non-technical losses, CO² reduction, technical availability of grid, etc. and establishment of a summary report
- Review of the subprojects' procurement plans, of cost estimates and time schedules, and elaboration of a consolidated procurement plan
- Identification and development of subprojects up to a total amount of approx. €100m to be implemented in Phase 2 of the project, with special focus on smart grid components, and compilation of related information in a final report
KfW EntwicklungsbankFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
04.2015 - 08.2017 -
Mauritania - 50 MW Thermal Power Plant in Zouerate
SNIM (Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière) is a company that extracts the iron ore deposits around the mining city Zouerate, located in the Tiris Zemour region in the north of Mauritania. In order to cover its short-term electricity demand, M/s. SNIM commissioned TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING S.A. to carry out a feasibility study for a 50 MW thermal power plant in the city of Zouerate. The study on the generation units shall evaluate the following two variants:
- Conventional heavy fuel oil-fired generation units
- Dual fuel generation units running on heavy fuel oil and natural gas
Parts of the tasks under this feasibility study have been subcontracted to intec.
intec's services
intec contributed to the following tasks:
Phase 1: Analysis of the SNIM's electricity demand in the short, medium and long term, and definition of a medium and short-term supply strategy
- Site visit and data collection plus assessment of existing studies
- Demand analysis and energy balance
Phase 2: Study of the technology variants and dimensioning of production units (preliminary design)
- Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of each variant
- Proposal for a choice of technology and its justification
- Optimisation of generator unit dimensioning and cost estimates
Phase 3: Feasibility study for the chosen variant
- Site selection and climatic conditions
- Optimisation of nominal capacity of the single production units and determination of principal technical specifications
- Stability and operation analysis of SNIM's electricity network
- Analysis of the project’s technical and economic feasibility
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
- Geotechnical survey and laboratory analyses
- Detailed design study and elaboration of tender documents
TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING S.A.Period of implementation
08.2013 - 07.2016
Uganda - Mutundwe - Entebbe 132 kV Power Transmission Line and Related Substation Works
The project scope comprises the following:
- Construction of approximately 36 km of double circuit 132 kV transmission line between Mutundwe Substation near Kampala City and Entebbe, partly with four circuits and with OPGW on one circuit.
- Extension of the existing 132/33/11 kV Mutundwe Substation (two outgoing 132 kV feeders, extension of busbar system; extension/modification of protection, control, telecommunication, and auxiliary AC/DC power supply systems; civil works).
- Entebbe Substation: Construction of a new outdoor 132/33 kV substation and 33 kV indoor switchgear (double busbar system, two incoming 132 kV line feeders, two 132/33 kV transformer bays with 50 MVA power transformers, one bus coupler bay, protection, control and SCADA, tel-ecommunication and auxiliary power supply equipment, 33 kV indoor switchgear with two incom-ing and six outgoing feeders, a connection by 33 kV underground cable to the existing 33/11 kV distribution; control building, all related civil works).
intec's services
Project Design and Preparation of Tender Documents:
Review of the 2011 feasibility study report; review and adjustment of line route; pegging of angle towers; power system analysis with PSS/E; soil test report and project design report; elaboration of design and technical specifications for transmission line and substations; preparation of tender documents for EPC contracting.
Assistance during the Tendering Stage:
Lead of pre-bid meeting and site visit with Bidders; Bidder's clarifications; bid evaluation; post-tender clarifications; preparation of evaluation report; assistance during contract negotiations; preparation of EPC contracts.
Project Management and Construction Supervision:
Review and approval of design calculations and drawings; factory acceptance and site tests; supervision of works on site; monitoring of time schedule; project cost control; processing of contractors' invoices; monitoring of environmental management plan and of the adherence of the social impact assessment recommendations; enforcement of contractor's health; safety and environmental manual; witnessing of commissioning tests; preparation of commissioning protocol; punch list; preparation of final inspection and formal takeover; review of as-built drawings; preparation of project reports.
Follow-up during the two-year Defects Liability Period (DLP).
Training of Client's Personnel:
On-the-job training of electrical and civil engineers on power system analysis and design, on the preparation of specifications for transmission lines and substations and on supervision of construction works; elaboration of a detailed training programme and delivery of a 3-week training session for Client's Engineers in the Consultant's home office.
Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd. (UETCL)Financing
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)Period of implementation
26.3.2014 - 30.11.2017Vietnam - Smart Grid - Power Transmission Efficiency (Phase 1)
In 2011, the Vietnamese government approved the National Power Sector Development Masterplan VII (PDMP VII) and approved a number of power generation and transmission projects to be implemented between 2011 and 2020. German financial cooperation, via the KfW, contributes a loan for a 2-phase transmission efficiency project.
Phase 1 of this project covered six subprojects, three new 220 kV substations, and three new 220 kV transmission lines for which the Vietnam National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT) prepared feasibility studies and ESIAs.
The consultancy services contracted under this Phase 1 covered contract support to KfW in the preparation of the overall project.
intec's services
- Review of the subproject feasibility studies prepared by NPT and establishment of a summary report confirming technical/financial viability, describing risks and indicating possible gaps plus their remedies
- Site visits to all six subproject locations and mission reports
- Elaboration of project impact indicators, i.e. technical and non-technical losses, CO² reduction, technical availability of grid, etc. and establishment of a summary report
- Review of the subprojects' procurement plans, of cost estimates and time schedules, and elaboration of a consolidated procurement plan
- Identification and development of subprojects up to a total amount of approx. €100m to be implemented in Phase 2 of the project, with special focus on smart grid components, and compilation of related information in a final report
KfW EntwicklungsbankFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
04.2015 - 08.2017Mauritania - 50 MW Thermal Power Plant in Zouerate
SNIM (Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière) is a company that extracts the iron ore deposits around the mining city Zouerate, located in the Tiris Zemour region in the north of Mauritania. In order to cover its short-term electricity demand, M/s. SNIM commissioned TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING S.A. to carry out a feasibility study for a 50 MW thermal power plant in the city of Zouerate. The study on the generation units shall evaluate the following two variants:
- Conventional heavy fuel oil-fired generation units
- Dual fuel generation units running on heavy fuel oil and natural gas
Parts of the tasks under this feasibility study have been subcontracted to intec.
intec's services
intec contributed to the following tasks:
Phase 1: Analysis of the SNIM's electricity demand in the short, medium and long term, and definition of a medium and short-term supply strategy
- Site visit and data collection plus assessment of existing studies
- Demand analysis and energy balance
Phase 2: Study of the technology variants and dimensioning of production units (preliminary design)
- Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of each variant
- Proposal for a choice of technology and its justification
- Optimisation of generator unit dimensioning and cost estimates
Phase 3: Feasibility study for the chosen variant
- Site selection and climatic conditions
- Optimisation of nominal capacity of the single production units and determination of principal technical specifications
- Stability and operation analysis of SNIM's electricity network
- Analysis of the project’s technical and economic feasibility
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
- Geotechnical survey and laboratory analyses
- Detailed design study and elaboration of tender documents
TRACTEBEL ENGINEERING S.A.Period of implementation
08.2013 - 07.2016-
Bangladesh - Feasibility Study of the Transmission System Improvement, Western Zone
Bangladesh faces chronic power shortage with an estimated demand gap in the magnitude of 1900 MW and power outages in urban areas between 5-10 hours a day. Taking into account the demand forecast(s), the current load shedding and the extreme power shortage and operational constraints, PGCB launched the "Power Transmission Improvement Programme" and approached the Government for external sector assistance.
The project covers the following technical measures:- Construction of 132 kV double-circuit transmission lines and line in-/line outs to substations
- Stringing of a second circuit on an existing 132 kV line and installation of OPGW
- Construction of 230 kV double-circuit transmission lines and line-in/line-out to existing lines
- New construction of three 132/33 kV and one 230/132 kV substation
- Extension of a total of five 132/33 kV and one 230/132 kV substation (1 GIS substation)
intec's services
Feasibility study/technical and economic justification of the planned expansion measures, i.e.:
- Network analysis and update of load flow calculations
- Assessment of socio-economic benefits
- Preliminary line route identification
- Preliminary survey of substation areas
- Layout and design on feasibility level for the 230 and 132 kV lines, substations and substation extensions
- Identification of potential training needs in terms of O&M
- Cost estimate, economic and financial analysis of planned measures
- Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and mitigation measures
- Detailed line route survey for 70 km of 230 DC line and a total of 85 km of 132 DC lines
- Full ESIA for the selected technical measures to be implemented and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
Tendering of resulting first-priority measures, i.e.:
- Design and elaboration of technical specifications
- Determination of the bills of quantities
- Preparation of the tender dossiers (technical and commercial)
- Assistance during tendering
- Bid evaluation
- Assistance during contract negotiations
in total for six different tender packages (three substation packages and three transmission line packages).
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB)Financing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
01.2014 - 07.2017 -
Mauritania - Construction of a 120 (180) MW dual-fuel power plant in Nouakchott
The state-owned utility SOMELEC is currently constructing a new power plant in Nouakchott to answer the steadily increasing power demand in the city and eventually in the national and international grid. This power plant, in its initial phase, had a capacity of 120 MW (8 x 15 MW dual-fuel gen sets, operated either with HFO or gas). In the second phase, the plant is currently extended to 180 MW capacity by adding a further four gen sets.
intec's services
- Choice of site for the power plant
- Review of the existing design report and preparation of tender documents
- Assistance to SOMELEC during tendering, tender evaluation, contract negotiation and contract conclusion
- Follow-up, coordination and control of design studies and manufacturing
- Supervision, monitoring and coordination of site works
- Verification of equipment lists
- Implementation of the training plan for the future operating personnel
- Preparation of tender documents for the power plant access road, follow-up, coordination and control of construction.
SOMELEC - Mauritanian Electricity CompanyFinancing
Arab Fund for Economic and Social DevelopmentPeriod of implementation
08.2011 - 06.2017 -
Nigeria - "Transmission Lines and Associated Substation Agreement" for the 80 MW AC Nova Scotia Solar PV Project
Nova Scotia Power Development Limited (NSPDL) is developing a ground-mounted 80 MW (AC) solar PV plant. The proposed site is located some 5 km from the town of Dutse in Jigawa State. The proposed plant will be connected to the national transmission grid by means of a 132 kV double-circuit overhead line between the step-up transformer at the PV site to the 33/132 kV Dutse Substation. It will be owned and operated by the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN). The interconnection facility will be financed and constructed by NSPDL. Ownership will however be transferred to TCN upon commissioning.
The project consists of advisory services to NSPDL for the completion and negotiation of a ‘Transmission Lines and Associated Substation Agreement’ with TCN.
intec's services
- Technical review and provision of comments on the body of the agreement
- Completion of technical schedules, e.g.
- Development of a design basis document
- Development of the acceptance tests and criteria
- Assistance in scheduling the required meetings between NSPDL and TCN
- Advice to NSPDL in negotiating and executing the agreement with TCN
Nova Scotia Power Development Limited (NSPDL)Financing
Nova Scotia Power Development Limited (NSPDL)Period of implementation
04.2017 - 06.2017
Bangladesh - Feasibility Study of the Transmission System Improvement, Western Zone
Bangladesh faces chronic power shortage with an estimated demand gap in the magnitude of 1900 MW and power outages in urban areas between 5-10 hours a day. Taking into account the demand forecast(s), the current load shedding and the extreme power shortage and operational constraints, PGCB launched the "Power Transmission Improvement Programme" and approached the Government for external sector assistance.
The project covers the following technical measures:
- Construction of 132 kV double-circuit transmission lines and line in-/line outs to substations
- Stringing of a second circuit on an existing 132 kV line and installation of OPGW
- Construction of 230 kV double-circuit transmission lines and line-in/line-out to existing lines
- New construction of three 132/33 kV and one 230/132 kV substation
- Extension of a total of five 132/33 kV and one 230/132 kV substation (1 GIS substation)
intec's services
Feasibility study/technical and economic justification of the planned expansion measures, i.e.:
- Network analysis and update of load flow calculations
- Assessment of socio-economic benefits
- Preliminary line route identification
- Preliminary survey of substation areas
- Layout and design on feasibility level for the 230 and 132 kV lines, substations and substation extensions
- Identification of potential training needs in terms of O&M
- Cost estimate, economic and financial analysis of planned measures
- Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and mitigation measures
- Detailed line route survey for 70 km of 230 DC line and a total of 85 km of 132 DC lines
- Full ESIA for the selected technical measures to be implemented and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
Tendering of resulting first-priority measures, i.e.:
- Design and elaboration of technical specifications
- Determination of the bills of quantities
- Preparation of the tender dossiers (technical and commercial)
- Assistance during tendering
- Bid evaluation
- Assistance during contract negotiations
in total for six different tender packages (three substation packages and three transmission line packages).
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB)Financing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
01.2014 - 07.2017Mauritania - Construction of a 120 (180) MW dual-fuel power plant in Nouakchott
The state-owned utility SOMELEC is currently constructing a new power plant in Nouakchott to answer the steadily increasing power demand in the city and eventually in the national and international grid. This power plant, in its initial phase, had a capacity of 120 MW (8 x 15 MW dual-fuel gen sets, operated either with HFO or gas). In the second phase, the plant is currently extended to 180 MW capacity by adding a further four gen sets.
intec's services
- Choice of site for the power plant
- Review of the existing design report and preparation of tender documents
- Assistance to SOMELEC during tendering, tender evaluation, contract negotiation and contract conclusion
- Follow-up, coordination and control of design studies and manufacturing
- Supervision, monitoring and coordination of site works
- Verification of equipment lists
- Implementation of the training plan for the future operating personnel
- Preparation of tender documents for the power plant access road, follow-up, coordination and control of construction.
SOMELEC - Mauritanian Electricity CompanyFinancing
Arab Fund for Economic and Social DevelopmentPeriod of implementation
08.2011 - 06.2017Nigeria - "Transmission Lines and Associated Substation Agreement" for the 80 MW AC Nova Scotia Solar PV Project
Nova Scotia Power Development Limited (NSPDL) is developing a ground-mounted 80 MW (AC) solar PV plant. The proposed site is located some 5 km from the town of Dutse in Jigawa State. The proposed plant will be connected to the national transmission grid by means of a 132 kV double-circuit overhead line between the step-up transformer at the PV site to the 33/132 kV Dutse Substation. It will be owned and operated by the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN). The interconnection facility will be financed and constructed by NSPDL. Ownership will however be transferred to TCN upon commissioning.
The project consists of advisory services to NSPDL for the completion and negotiation of a ‘Transmission Lines and Associated Substation Agreement’ with TCN.
intec's services
- Technical review and provision of comments on the body of the agreement
- Completion of technical schedules, e.g.
- Development of a design basis document
- Development of the acceptance tests and criteria
- Assistance in scheduling the required meetings between NSPDL and TCN
- Advice to NSPDL in negotiating and executing the agreement with TCN
Nova Scotia Power Development Limited (NSPDL)Financing
Nova Scotia Power Development Limited (NSPDL)Period of implementation
04.2017 - 06.2017-
Rwanda, Burundi - Regional Interconnection Project (220 kV Transmission Line Kigoma - Butare - Ngozi - Gitega and 220/110 kV Substations)
The project was part of the NELSAP Regional Transmission Program that aimed at interconnecting five of the Nile Equatorial Lakes Countries, i.e. Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
The project interconnected the electricity networks of Burundi and Rwanda through the construction of a new 220 kV single-circuit transmission line with a total length of 143 km. The line will initially be operated on the 110 kV level and might later be upgraded to 220 kV.
The project also included the construction of two new 220/110 kV substations, the extension of two existing 110 kV substations and the construction of 11.2 km of 30 kV line for rural electrification of Gisagara (Rwanda).
intec's services
- Review of existing feasibility studies
- Update of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
- Detailed design
- Preparation of complete tender documents for EPC Contractors (2 lots)
- Technical assistance during the procurement process, i.e. tendering, bid evaluation and contract award
- Preparation of a detailed Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and monitoring of its implementation
- Design approval and supervision of implementation works
- Witnessing of factory acceptance tests, supervision of testing and commissioning
- Certification of Contractor's invoices and payments
- Monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the ESMP
- Safeguarding of project's compliance with KfW's and the World Bank's sustainability guidelines
- Technology transfer and training of employers' and project executing agency's staff
- Representation in the respective project steering and technical committees
REGIDESO (Burundi), Energy Development Corporation Ltd. (Rwanda)Financing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
03.2015 - 06.2017 -
Congo (RD) - Revision of the Studies on the 220 kV Line Kamanyola - Buhandahanda
The 220 kV Kamanyola - Buhandahanda line shall evacuate the electricity generated by the Ruzizi III Hydropower Plant, which is part of the 220 kV interconnected network of the CEPGL (Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs - Economic Community of the Great Lake Countries). Studies for this line were finalised in September 2011 and shall be revised under the present project. The aim is to take into consideration the new locations of the Kamanyola and Buhandahanda Substations, and the new line concept.
intec's services
- Review of the project's technical feasibility; in particular through revision of the line's general concept (review of the line route and harmonisation of the design/double-circuit line with possibly only one single circuit operated in the first phase), study of the grid stability with the new line, set-up of a simulation model of the interconnected network, power distribution and load flow studies, review of the line protection system)
- Review of the project's economic and financial feasibility (cost estimates, economic and financial viability, proposals for project financing and implementation)
- Preparation of the detailed design for the revised line concept, elaboration of the longitudinal profile on the basis of satellite data, and tower spotting
- Preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to conform with international standards, and elaboration of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
- Elaboration of the tender dossier
- Organisation of a validation seminar with EGL, SNEL (National Power Company of Congo), the Steering Committee and KfW
- Participation in the project appraisal mission
Energie des Grands Lacs - EGLFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
07.2015 - 03.2017 -
Lithuania - Transfer-Back Inspection of Heating Installations in Vilnius
The project is part of a transfer-back of heating installations in the framework of a leasing procedure. It aims at establishing the technical conditions of the leased facilities that were used for district heating in Vilnius city.
These facilities include inter alia:- Steam and water heating boilers, including fuel system, pressure vessels, pipelines, turbines, preparation and supply system for chemically treated and feed water, condensate collection systems, pressurised air systems, flue gas treatment and ash removal systems, consumer heat meters, etc.
- Electricity generators and transformers, including distribution equipment, electric motors, etc.
- Infrastructure equipment: lifting equipment, railway infrastructure, heat supply networks, etc.
- Real estate (building and engineering structures)
- Information and telecommunication systems and data (software, hardware, etc.)
intec's services
Establishment of the technical condition by means of:
- Visual inspection of facilities
- Inspection of facilities in operation and tests of system functioning
- Identification of maintenance and repair works carried out during the last 5 years
Drawing-up of a report on that condition.
UAB "Vilniaus energija", VEOLIA Environnement, AB "Vilniaus silumos tinklai", Vilnius City MunicipalityFinancing
UAB "Vilniaus energija", VEOLIA Environnement, AB "Vilniaus silumos tinklai", Vilnius City MunicipalityPeriod of implementation
01.2017 - 03.2017
Rwanda, Burundi - Regional Interconnection Project (220 kV Transmission Line Kigoma - Butare - Ngozi - Gitega and 220/110 kV Substations)
The project was part of the NELSAP Regional Transmission Program that aimed at interconnecting five of the Nile Equatorial Lakes Countries, i.e. Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
The project interconnected the electricity networks of Burundi and Rwanda through the construction of a new 220 kV single-circuit transmission line with a total length of 143 km. The line will initially be operated on the 110 kV level and might later be upgraded to 220 kV.
The project also included the construction of two new 220/110 kV substations, the extension of two existing 110 kV substations and the construction of 11.2 km of 30 kV line for rural electrification of Gisagara (Rwanda).
intec's services
- Review of existing feasibility studies
- Update of the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
- Detailed design
- Preparation of complete tender documents for EPC Contractors (2 lots)
- Technical assistance during the procurement process, i.e. tendering, bid evaluation and contract award
- Preparation of a detailed Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and monitoring of its implementation
- Design approval and supervision of implementation works
- Witnessing of factory acceptance tests, supervision of testing and commissioning
- Certification of Contractor's invoices and payments
- Monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the ESMP
- Safeguarding of project's compliance with KfW's and the World Bank's sustainability guidelines
- Technology transfer and training of employers' and project executing agency's staff
- Representation in the respective project steering and technical committees
REGIDESO (Burundi), Energy Development Corporation Ltd. (Rwanda)Financing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
03.2015 - 06.2017Congo (RD) - Revision of the Studies on the 220 kV Line Kamanyola - Buhandahanda
The 220 kV Kamanyola - Buhandahanda line shall evacuate the electricity generated by the Ruzizi III Hydropower Plant, which is part of the 220 kV interconnected network of the CEPGL (Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs - Economic Community of the Great Lake Countries). Studies for this line were finalised in September 2011 and shall be revised under the present project. The aim is to take into consideration the new locations of the Kamanyola and Buhandahanda Substations, and the new line concept.
intec's services
- Review of the project's technical feasibility; in particular through revision of the line's general concept (review of the line route and harmonisation of the design/double-circuit line with possibly only one single circuit operated in the first phase), study of the grid stability with the new line, set-up of a simulation model of the interconnected network, power distribution and load flow studies, review of the line protection system)
- Review of the project's economic and financial feasibility (cost estimates, economic and financial viability, proposals for project financing and implementation)
- Preparation of the detailed design for the revised line concept, elaboration of the longitudinal profile on the basis of satellite data, and tower spotting
- Preparation of an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to conform with international standards, and elaboration of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
- Elaboration of the tender dossier
- Organisation of a validation seminar with EGL, SNEL (National Power Company of Congo), the Steering Committee and KfW
- Participation in the project appraisal mission
Energie des Grands Lacs - EGLFinancing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
07.2015 - 03.2017Lithuania - Transfer-Back Inspection of Heating Installations in Vilnius
The project is part of a transfer-back of heating installations in the framework of a leasing procedure. It aims at establishing the technical conditions of the leased facilities that were used for district heating in Vilnius city.
These facilities include inter alia:
- Steam and water heating boilers, including fuel system, pressure vessels, pipelines, turbines, preparation and supply system for chemically treated and feed water, condensate collection systems, pressurised air systems, flue gas treatment and ash removal systems, consumer heat meters, etc.
- Electricity generators and transformers, including distribution equipment, electric motors, etc.
- Infrastructure equipment: lifting equipment, railway infrastructure, heat supply networks, etc.
- Real estate (building and engineering structures)
- Information and telecommunication systems and data (software, hardware, etc.)
intec's services
Establishment of the technical condition by means of:
- Visual inspection of facilities
- Inspection of facilities in operation and tests of system functioning
- Identification of maintenance and repair works carried out during the last 5 years
Drawing-up of a report on that condition.