Power Systems - Project examples
Tanzania - Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project - Transmission Line Component (Tanzania part of the regional Burundi - Rwanda - Tanzania project)
The ‘Regional Hydropower Plant Rusumo Fall’ project was jointly developed by Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania. It includes the construction of a hydropower plant as well as the construction of 387 km of high-voltage lines and associated substations in the three countries (the present project).
In Tanzania, services include detailed design and works supervision for the following:
- 98.2 km of 220 kV d.c. transmission line (with one circuit strung) with twin conductors, one galvanised shieldwire and one OPGW, strung on lattice steel towers, from the power plant to the new Nyakanazi Substation
- A new 220/33 kV substation in Nyakanazi
intec's services
intec contributes to the following tasks:
- Review of transmission line routes, angle towers and substation site location
- Detailed design
- Elaboration of technical specifications and tender documents
- Review of Contractors' design and drawings
- Monitoring and supervision of works
- Factory acceptance testing and inspection of material and equipment on site
- Commissioning of equipment
- Reporting
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO)Financing
African Development Bank (AfDB)Period of implementation
16.12.2016 - 16.12.2020 -
Bangladesh - 400 kV Double-Circuit Transmission Line Aminbazar - Maowa - Mongla and 400/230 kV Substation at Aminbazar
Consulting services for the construction of:
- approx. 176 km of 400 kV double-circuit transmission line Aminbazar - Maowa - Mongla (including a river crossing of approx. 9.6 km length and an estimated height of 160 m).
- a new 400/230 kV substation at Aminbazar (AIS)
for the evacuation of power from the 1,320 MW Rampal Power Plant to Aminbazar Substation.
intec's services
Preconstruction phase:
- Electro-magnetic transient program (EMTP) study for reactor selection at Aminbazar and Mongla Substations
- Preparation of bid documents following ADB standard (basic design, technical specifications, bills of quantities, commercial and contract conditions) for two lots (one substation and one transmission line)
- Evaluation of bids and preparation of respective reports; recommendation for award of contracts
Construction phase:
- Review of contractors' design and submitted documents and recommendation for approval
- Monitoring of contractors' work programme and time schedule
- Supervision of construction works and environmental plans
- Participation in Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs)
- Management of the EPC contracts in all respects
- Preparation of and participation in commissioning and taking over
- Services during the 12 months' Defects Liability Period
- Reporting
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB)Financing
Asian Development Bank (ADB)Period of implementation
2016 - 2020 -
Rwanda - Hydropower Plant Rusumo Falls - Transmission Line Component (Rwanda part of the regional Burundi - Rwanda - Tanzania project)
The 'Regional Hydropower Plant Rusumo Falls' project was jointly developed by Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania. It includes the construction of a hydropower plant as well as the construction of 387 km of high-voltage lines and associated substations in the three countries (the current project).
In Rwanda, services include detailed design and works supervision for the following:
- a 220 kV double-circuit transmission line of 119 km length, with one circuit strung, from the hydropower plant to the existing Shango substation (twin conductors, galvanised shieldwire and one OPGW on lattice steel towers);
- a new 220/30 kV substation at the new Bugesera International Airport and extension of the existing 220 kV Shango Substation.
intec's services
intec contributed to the following tasks:
- Review of transmission line routes, angle towers and substation locations
- Detailed design
- Elaboration of technical specifications and tender documents
- Review of Contractors' designs and drawings
- Monitoring and supervision of works
- Factory acceptance testing and inspection of material and equipment on site
- Commissioning of equipment
- Reporting
Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL), Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG)Financing
African Development Bank (AfDB)Period of implementation
31.10.2016 - 30.10.2020
Tanzania - Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project - Transmission Line Component (Tanzania part of the regional Burundi - Rwanda - Tanzania project)
The ‘Regional Hydropower Plant Rusumo Fall’ project was jointly developed by Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania. It includes the construction of a hydropower plant as well as the construction of 387 km of high-voltage lines and associated substations in the three countries (the present project).
In Tanzania, services include detailed design and works supervision for the following:
- 98.2 km of 220 kV d.c. transmission line (with one circuit strung) with twin conductors, one galvanised shieldwire and one OPGW, strung on lattice steel towers, from the power plant to the new Nyakanazi Substation
- A new 220/33 kV substation in Nyakanazi
intec's services
intec contributes to the following tasks:
- Review of transmission line routes, angle towers and substation site location
- Detailed design
- Elaboration of technical specifications and tender documents
- Review of Contractors' design and drawings
- Monitoring and supervision of works
- Factory acceptance testing and inspection of material and equipment on site
- Commissioning of equipment
- Reporting
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (TANESCO)Financing
African Development Bank (AfDB)Period of implementation
16.12.2016 - 16.12.2020Bangladesh - 400 kV Double-Circuit Transmission Line Aminbazar - Maowa - Mongla and 400/230 kV Substation at Aminbazar
Consulting services for the construction of:
- approx. 176 km of 400 kV double-circuit transmission line Aminbazar - Maowa - Mongla (including a river crossing of approx. 9.6 km length and an estimated height of 160 m).
- a new 400/230 kV substation at Aminbazar (AIS)
for the evacuation of power from the 1,320 MW Rampal Power Plant to Aminbazar Substation.
intec's services
Preconstruction phase:
- Electro-magnetic transient program (EMTP) study for reactor selection at Aminbazar and Mongla Substations
- Preparation of bid documents following ADB standard (basic design, technical specifications, bills of quantities, commercial and contract conditions) for two lots (one substation and one transmission line)
- Evaluation of bids and preparation of respective reports; recommendation for award of contracts
Construction phase:
- Review of contractors' design and submitted documents and recommendation for approval
- Monitoring of contractors' work programme and time schedule
- Supervision of construction works and environmental plans
- Participation in Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs)
- Management of the EPC contracts in all respects
- Preparation of and participation in commissioning and taking over
- Services during the 12 months' Defects Liability Period
- Reporting
Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd. (PGCB)Financing
Asian Development Bank (ADB)Period of implementation
2016 - 2020Rwanda - Hydropower Plant Rusumo Falls - Transmission Line Component (Rwanda part of the regional Burundi - Rwanda - Tanzania project)
The 'Regional Hydropower Plant Rusumo Falls' project was jointly developed by Burundi, Rwanda, and Tanzania. It includes the construction of a hydropower plant as well as the construction of 387 km of high-voltage lines and associated substations in the three countries (the current project).
In Rwanda, services include detailed design and works supervision for the following:
- a 220 kV double-circuit transmission line of 119 km length, with one circuit strung, from the hydropower plant to the existing Shango substation (twin conductors, galvanised shieldwire and one OPGW on lattice steel towers);
- a new 220/30 kV substation at the new Bugesera International Airport and extension of the existing 220 kV Shango Substation.
intec's services
intec contributed to the following tasks:
- Review of transmission line routes, angle towers and substation locations
- Detailed design
- Elaboration of technical specifications and tender documents
- Review of Contractors' designs and drawings
- Monitoring and supervision of works
- Factory acceptance testing and inspection of material and equipment on site
- Commissioning of equipment
- Reporting
Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL), Rwanda Energy Group Limited (REG)Financing
African Development Bank (AfDB)Period of implementation
31.10.2016 - 30.10.2020-
Kenya - Power Interconnection Project (KTPIP) (Kenyan Part)
Tanzania and Kenya have joined forces to construct a 400 kV interconnection line that runs from a proposed 400 kV substation at Isinya near Nairobi in Kenya up to Arusha in Tanzania (210 km) and further to a planned 400 kV substation in Singida (300 km). Works in Kenya comprise the following:
- Lot K1: Approx. 96 km of 400 kV transmission line between Isinya Substation and the Kenya-Tanzania border.
intec's services
Phase 0: Procurement
- Contract negotiations and preparation of contract documents with the EPC contractors
Phase 1: Pre-Construction
- Review of EPC Contractors' detailed design
- Elaboration of project management manuals
- Function-based definition of applicable standards and project construction guide documents
Phase 2: Construction
- Supervision and quality control of construction works and commissioning
- Monitoring and follow-up of environmental issues and mitigation measures
- Supervision and clarification of project's cultural heritage issues
- Factory test witnessing
- Organisation of joint site meetings
- Reporting
- Support during the 12-months' Defects Liability Period
Training of Employer's Staff
- On-the-job training on design approval, construction supervision and project management
- Overseas' training for Employer's senior engineers on system planning and network analysis, power system protection and automation, SCADA and telecommunication, power grid operation and maintenance, scheduled and preventive maintenance of HV lines and substations, environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA), resettlement action plans (RAP) and implementation of environmental and social management plans (ESMP)
Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO)Financing
African Development Bank, Japanese International Cooperation AgencyPeriod of implementation
2017 - 2020 -
Tanzania - Kenya-Tanzania Power Interconnection Project (KTPIP) (Tanzanian Part)
Tanzania and Kenya have joined forces to construct a 400 kV interconnection line that runs from a proposed 400 kV substation at Isinya near Nairobi in Kenya up to Arusha in Tanzania (210 km) and further to a planned 400 kV substation in Singida (300 km). Works in Tanzania are divided into 6 lots as follows:
- Lot T1: 400 kV double circuit OHL between Singida and Babati (approx. 150 km)
- Lot T2: 400 kV double circuit OHL between Babati and Arusha (approx. 150 km)
- Lot T3: 400 kV double circuit OHL between Arusha and the Kenya border (approx. 114 km)
- Lot T4: New 400 kV Arusha substation and extension of the existing 220/33 kV Singida Substation (two additional 220 kV line bays, three breakers and two shunt reactors)
- Lot T5: Rural electrification projects (approx. 80 km of 33 kV lines and low voltage system including customer connections)
- Lot T6: Four new 400 kV substations in the towns of Iringa, Dodoma, Singida and Shinyanga
intec's services
Phase 0: Procurement
- Contract negotiations and preparation of contract documents with the EPC contractors
Phase 1: Pre-Construction
- Review of EPC Contractors' detailed design
- Elaboration of project management manuals
- Function-based definition of applicable standards and project construction guide documents
Phase 2: Construction
- Supervision and quality control of construction works and commissioning
- Monitoring and follow-up of environmental issues and mitigation measures
- Supervision and clarification of project's cultural heritage issues
- Factory test witnessing
- Organisation of joint site meetings
- Reporting
Training of Employer's Staff
- On-the-job training on design approval, construction supervision and project management
- Overseas training for Employer's senior engineers on system planning and network analysis, power system protection and automation, SCADA and telecommunication, power grid operation and maintenance, scheduled and preventive maintenance of HV lines and substations, environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA), resettlement action plans (RAP) and implementation of environmental and social management plans (ESMP)
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd. (TANESCO)Financing
African Development Bank, Japanese International Cooperation AgencyPeriod of implementation
2017 - 2020 -
Burundi - 220 kV Line Kamanyola - Bujumbura, Associated 110 kV Lines and the 220/110/30/10 kV Substation Bujumbura
The project is part of the 'Multinational Project for the Interconnection of the Electrical Networks of the Nile Equatorial Lake Countries' (Projet multinational d'interconnexion des réseaux électriques des pays des lacs équatoriaux du Nil (PMIREL-PLEN). It aims to establish a 220 kV interconnection between Ruzizi III Substation at Kamanyola (D.R. Congo) and the Rubirizi Substation in Burundi to evacuate the Burundian part of the energy produced by the future 145 MW Ruzizi III Hydropower Plant. The project covers the following technical measures:
- Construction of a 220 kV single-circuit line of 80 km length
- Construction of a total of 8 km of 110 kV double-circuit lines
- Construction of a 30 kV double-circuit line
- Construction of a new 220/110/30 kV substation at Rubirizi (two autotransformers 220/110/30 kV, 48/64/80 MVA with a 18/24/30 MVA tertiary winding)
- Extension of the 110 kV Substation 'RN1' to accommodate the connection of the new 220/110 kV substation
- Construction of a new 30/10 kV substation equipped with two 30/10 kV, 10 MVA transformers
intec's services
- Detailed design, technical specifications and cost estimate for the 30/10 kV substation equipment
- Consolidation of the tender dossier for the 220/110/30 kV substation
- Assistance to the Employer during tendering for the 220/110/30/10 kV substation works
- Review of the design for the 220/110 kV lines equipment
- Factory acceptance testing for all equipment under the project
- Receipt of materials and equipment to site
- Works supervision and general assistance for the management of the project
- Project completion, testing and commissioning
- Certification of payments
- Reporting
African Development Bank (AfDB)Period of implementation
2.5.2017 - 1.5.2020
Kenya - Power Interconnection Project (KTPIP) (Kenyan Part)
Tanzania and Kenya have joined forces to construct a 400 kV interconnection line that runs from a proposed 400 kV substation at Isinya near Nairobi in Kenya up to Arusha in Tanzania (210 km) and further to a planned 400 kV substation in Singida (300 km). Works in Kenya comprise the following:
- Lot K1: Approx. 96 km of 400 kV transmission line between Isinya Substation and the Kenya-Tanzania border.
intec's services
Phase 0: Procurement
- Contract negotiations and preparation of contract documents with the EPC contractors
Phase 1: Pre-Construction
- Review of EPC Contractors' detailed design
- Elaboration of project management manuals
- Function-based definition of applicable standards and project construction guide documents
Phase 2: Construction
- Supervision and quality control of construction works and commissioning
- Monitoring and follow-up of environmental issues and mitigation measures
- Supervision and clarification of project's cultural heritage issues
- Factory test witnessing
- Organisation of joint site meetings
- Reporting
- Support during the 12-months' Defects Liability Period
Training of Employer's Staff
- On-the-job training on design approval, construction supervision and project management
- Overseas' training for Employer's senior engineers on system planning and network analysis, power system protection and automation, SCADA and telecommunication, power grid operation and maintenance, scheduled and preventive maintenance of HV lines and substations, environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA), resettlement action plans (RAP) and implementation of environmental and social management plans (ESMP)
Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO)Financing
African Development Bank, Japanese International Cooperation AgencyPeriod of implementation
2017 - 2020Tanzania - Kenya-Tanzania Power Interconnection Project (KTPIP) (Tanzanian Part)
Tanzania and Kenya have joined forces to construct a 400 kV interconnection line that runs from a proposed 400 kV substation at Isinya near Nairobi in Kenya up to Arusha in Tanzania (210 km) and further to a planned 400 kV substation in Singida (300 km). Works in Tanzania are divided into 6 lots as follows:
- Lot T1: 400 kV double circuit OHL between Singida and Babati (approx. 150 km)
- Lot T2: 400 kV double circuit OHL between Babati and Arusha (approx. 150 km)
- Lot T3: 400 kV double circuit OHL between Arusha and the Kenya border (approx. 114 km)
- Lot T4: New 400 kV Arusha substation and extension of the existing 220/33 kV Singida Substation (two additional 220 kV line bays, three breakers and two shunt reactors)
- Lot T5: Rural electrification projects (approx. 80 km of 33 kV lines and low voltage system including customer connections)
- Lot T6: Four new 400 kV substations in the towns of Iringa, Dodoma, Singida and Shinyanga
intec's services
Phase 0: Procurement
- Contract negotiations and preparation of contract documents with the EPC contractors
Phase 1: Pre-Construction
- Review of EPC Contractors' detailed design
- Elaboration of project management manuals
- Function-based definition of applicable standards and project construction guide documents
Phase 2: Construction
- Supervision and quality control of construction works and commissioning
- Monitoring and follow-up of environmental issues and mitigation measures
- Supervision and clarification of project's cultural heritage issues
- Factory test witnessing
- Organisation of joint site meetings
- Reporting
Training of Employer's Staff
- On-the-job training on design approval, construction supervision and project management
- Overseas training for Employer's senior engineers on system planning and network analysis, power system protection and automation, SCADA and telecommunication, power grid operation and maintenance, scheduled and preventive maintenance of HV lines and substations, environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA), resettlement action plans (RAP) and implementation of environmental and social management plans (ESMP)
Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd. (TANESCO)Financing
African Development Bank, Japanese International Cooperation AgencyPeriod of implementation
2017 - 2020Burundi - 220 kV Line Kamanyola - Bujumbura, Associated 110 kV Lines and the 220/110/30/10 kV Substation Bujumbura
The project is part of the 'Multinational Project for the Interconnection of the Electrical Networks of the Nile Equatorial Lake Countries' (Projet multinational d'interconnexion des réseaux électriques des pays des lacs équatoriaux du Nil (PMIREL-PLEN). It aims to establish a 220 kV interconnection between Ruzizi III Substation at Kamanyola (D.R. Congo) and the Rubirizi Substation in Burundi to evacuate the Burundian part of the energy produced by the future 145 MW Ruzizi III Hydropower Plant. The project covers the following technical measures:
- Construction of a 220 kV single-circuit line of 80 km length
- Construction of a total of 8 km of 110 kV double-circuit lines
- Construction of a 30 kV double-circuit line
- Construction of a new 220/110/30 kV substation at Rubirizi (two autotransformers 220/110/30 kV, 48/64/80 MVA with a 18/24/30 MVA tertiary winding)
- Extension of the 110 kV Substation 'RN1' to accommodate the connection of the new 220/110 kV substation
- Construction of a new 30/10 kV substation equipped with two 30/10 kV, 10 MVA transformers
intec's services
- Detailed design, technical specifications and cost estimate for the 30/10 kV substation equipment
- Consolidation of the tender dossier for the 220/110/30 kV substation
- Assistance to the Employer during tendering for the 220/110/30/10 kV substation works
- Review of the design for the 220/110 kV lines equipment
- Factory acceptance testing for all equipment under the project
- Receipt of materials and equipment to site
- Works supervision and general assistance for the management of the project
- Project completion, testing and commissioning
- Certification of payments
- Reporting
African Development Bank (AfDB)Period of implementation
2.5.2017 - 1.5.2020-
UAE - 33/11kV primary substation: Project Designer and Technical Advisor Consultancy Services
Design, execution and completion of a 33/11 kV primary substation to provide high voltage power to the Nibras Development site including the cable laying works from the grid station to primary substation.
- Preliminary design
- Detailed design
- Employers' requirement(s)
- Technical advisor services
intec's services
- Development of preliminary design, detailed design & ER documents.
- All required governmental authorities design NOCs/Approvals.
- Any surveys, testing and temporary works
- Assist in selecting the D&B Contractor
- Review of design, if any, done by the D&B Contractor
- Quality Control & Assurance during construction phase
- Witnessing of testing & commissioning
- Energisation and commissioning
- Maintenance of works during maintenance period
- Handover to relevant authorities
Mubadala Development Company PJSCFinancing
Mubadala Development Company PJSCPeriod of implementation
03.2016 - 02.2020 -
Guinea - Implementation of the National Dispatching
The general objective of this project is the monitoring and control of costs, of the quality and the time schedule of implementation works. The project includes all site works for the the National Dispatching Centre implementation. Following EDG's long-term master plan, the National Dispatching Centre shall integrate transmission lines at the level of 60 and 110 kV. The project has been interrupted due to the Ebola epidemic and new financing.
intec's services
- Coordination of activities between the Client EDG and the Contractor
- Check and approval of the Contractor's design and drawings during works execution
- Control of equipment manufacture
- Factory acceptance tests for main equipment
- Monthly / quarterly planning of project activities
- Control of works progress and adherence to the time schedule
- Coordination of meetings and drafting of Minutes of Meetings
- Monitoring of cost and implementation schedule
- Information to the Client about the progress of works and about any difficulties that could hamper smooth project implementation
- Elaboration of periodic progress reports
- Recommendation of necessary intervention measures to the Project Implementation Unit
- Validation of testing and commissioning procedures
- Proposals for settlement of accounts, preliminary and final taking over of works
Electricité de Guinée (EDG)Financing
National Development Budget, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD)Period of implementation
05.2014 - 12.2019 -
Georgia - 220 kV Overhead Transmission Line Akhaltsikhe - Batumi
Georgian State Electrosystem JSC (GSE) is undertaking the 'Transmission Grid Strengthening Project' which includes measures to improve the availability and reliability of GSE's transmission infrastructure. The present project is part of this overall programme.
The line is constructed to connect the 185 MW Shuakhevi and the 150 MW Koromkheti Hydropower Stations to the national grid. It will have a length of approx. 150 km.
intec's services
- Overall project management and supervision
- Review and approval of detailed design
- Supervision of construction, erection, testing and commissioning
- Assistance to the Client in ensuring the compliance of land acquisition and resettlement activities with applicable laws and regulations (RAPs)
- Monitoring of compliance with the World Bank's environmental and social safeguards and the national Georgian legislation (ESIA, EMMP)
- Verification and approval of Contractor's invoices
- Reporting to the Client
- Capacity building for Client's personnel
Georgian State Electrosystem JSCFinancing
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)Period of implementation
2015 - 2019
UAE - 33/11kV primary substation: Project Designer and Technical Advisor Consultancy Services
Design, execution and completion of a 33/11 kV primary substation to provide high voltage power to the Nibras Development site including the cable laying works from the grid station to primary substation.
- Preliminary design
- Detailed design
- Employers' requirement(s)
- Technical advisor services
intec's services
- Development of preliminary design, detailed design & ER documents.
- All required governmental authorities design NOCs/Approvals.
- Any surveys, testing and temporary works
- Assist in selecting the D&B Contractor
- Review of design, if any, done by the D&B Contractor
- Quality Control & Assurance during construction phase
- Witnessing of testing & commissioning
- Energisation and commissioning
- Maintenance of works during maintenance period
- Handover to relevant authorities
Mubadala Development Company PJSCFinancing
Mubadala Development Company PJSCPeriod of implementation
03.2016 - 02.2020Guinea - Implementation of the National Dispatching
The general objective of this project is the monitoring and control of costs, of the quality and the time schedule of implementation works. The project includes all site works for the the National Dispatching Centre implementation. Following EDG's long-term master plan, the National Dispatching Centre shall integrate transmission lines at the level of 60 and 110 kV. The project has been interrupted due to the Ebola epidemic and new financing.
intec's services
- Coordination of activities between the Client EDG and the Contractor
- Check and approval of the Contractor's design and drawings during works execution
- Control of equipment manufacture
- Factory acceptance tests for main equipment
- Monthly / quarterly planning of project activities
- Control of works progress and adherence to the time schedule
- Coordination of meetings and drafting of Minutes of Meetings
- Monitoring of cost and implementation schedule
- Information to the Client about the progress of works and about any difficulties that could hamper smooth project implementation
- Elaboration of periodic progress reports
- Recommendation of necessary intervention measures to the Project Implementation Unit
- Validation of testing and commissioning procedures
- Proposals for settlement of accounts, preliminary and final taking over of works
Electricité de Guinée (EDG)Financing
National Development Budget, Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD)Period of implementation
05.2014 - 12.2019Georgia - 220 kV Overhead Transmission Line Akhaltsikhe - Batumi
Georgian State Electrosystem JSC (GSE) is undertaking the 'Transmission Grid Strengthening Project' which includes measures to improve the availability and reliability of GSE's transmission infrastructure. The present project is part of this overall programme.
The line is constructed to connect the 185 MW Shuakhevi and the 150 MW Koromkheti Hydropower Stations to the national grid. It will have a length of approx. 150 km.
intec's services
- Overall project management and supervision
- Review and approval of detailed design
- Supervision of construction, erection, testing and commissioning
- Assistance to the Client in ensuring the compliance of land acquisition and resettlement activities with applicable laws and regulations (RAPs)
- Monitoring of compliance with the World Bank's environmental and social safeguards and the national Georgian legislation (ESIA, EMMP)
- Verification and approval of Contractor's invoices
- Reporting to the Client
- Capacity building for Client's personnel