Projects worldwide
intec has executed and is implementing large and complex projects in nearly all regions of the world.
The projects listed on the website represent only a handful of our references.

Our Projects
Zafarana 50 MW Grid Connected PV Power Plant
Egypt’s demand for electricity is growing rapidly because of rapid urbanisation and economic growth. The need to develop alternative power resources is becoming ever more urgent. Alternative energy options such as PV can help meet the increasing demand. NREA has set strategic targets to supply 20% of the electric energy demand form RE sources by the year 2022. In response to the government’s request, KfW cooperated with NREA on the identification and financing of a solar power plant with an installed capacity of 50 MW to be built in Zafarana.
NREA assigned intec to support their project implementation team and to supervise the PV plant procurement, construction as well as its operation and maintenance during the five year warranty period.
intec's services
- Project management (establish, review and update of project management system)
- Preliminary works (review site characteristic and project concept, assess ESIA/ESMP with respect to World Bank Guidelines and IFC Performance Standards)
- Procurement assistance (technical and financial evaluation of EPC proposals, preparation of contract documents, contract negotiation)
- Review of works carried out by the Contractor prior to construction (review and approve engineering design)
- Inspection, testing and delivery control during the period of manufacturing (FAT)
- Construction supervision (coordinate, supervise and inspect all construction and erection activities, review and Monitoring implementation of EHS Activities in the Environmental Management Plan, operate and maintain a system to remotely monitor the construction works)
- Supervision of the EHS-management plan to be implemented by the Contractor
- Establish the EHS monitoring plan for NREA for the further operation of the PV plant
- Commissioning and assistance tests (Coordination and supervision of all tests during commissioning)
- Power Quality Monitoring (supervise the power quality before and after connection of the PV plant to the grid)
- Assistance to NREA in operation and maintenance and power plant performance evaluation (Development of O&M processes and manuals, review O&M and performance of the power plant, Support on the preparation of a long-term operation plan)
- Transfer of knowledge and training
- Remote management, monitoring and verification system with via document management system and photo / video documentations
New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA)Financing
KfW Development BankPeriod of implementation
15.09.2019 - 01.09.2026 -
Georgia - Technical Assistance Project in Support of the Georgian Energy Sector Reform Programme (GESRP)
The project will support the reform of the Georgian electricity market to one that is strongly aligned with the EU’s internal electricity market. This means that the Project contributes to the implementation of a reform for the Georgian electricity market, in alignment with commitments made under Georgia´s accession to the En-ergy Community, into one that conforms to the EU´s Third Energy Package. In support of the reform, a tech-nical assistance package, i.e. this Project, was designed in order to support the Georgian energy sector’s de-velopment.
The Technical Assistance Measures (TAMs) are divided into four components:
Component 1: Energy efficiency regulation including standards
Component 2: Energy performance in buildings (EE in buildings)
Component 3: Renewable energy
Component 4: Power market regulation
intec's services
The consultant is requested to develop technical assistance services in different fields through policy, regula-tory, financial, engineering and legal advisory, institutional building as well as capacity building in following subjects (26 technical assistance measures):
- Supporting the establishment of legislative and regulatory environment(s) for energy efficiency
- Support with energy efficiency calculation(s)
- Developing model(s) of certification and inspection (as well supporting setting up and implementation)
- Support with implementation of energy efficiency-relevant legislation (i.e. energy efficiency law, construc-tion code) in support of energy efficiency in buildings
- Training programme for construction sector
- Support GoG in setting up/scaling up the institutions responsible for energy efficiency implementation
- Investments’ preparation
- Energy market development through support to GoG and GNERC (Regulatory Agency)
- Renewable energy policy planning
- European legislative transposition
- Energy market reform regulation
- Designing and implementation of a communication plan, visibility and awareness raising
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (MoESD)Financing
KfWPeriod of implementation
07/2021 - 06/2025 -
Congo - Performance of Technical, Environmental and Social Studies and Monitoring the Implementation of the Prohydro Programme
The project consists of the financing, construction and operation of hydropower plants and the corresponding transmission lines up to the REGIDESO (state water utility) water supply and treatment facilities, potential large consumers and of the distribution network to individual customers (households) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) located near the sites. The hydropower plants will be partially financed by the private sector (IPP, PPP) under a power purchase agreement (PPA).
The objective, through UCM and the KfW bank, is to use the Tshilomba (3 MW), Tshala II (6 MW), and the Kafumbu (2 MW) projects as reference projects in order to improve the electricity supply to REGIDESO facilities as well as to the local population and industry by providing clean, renewable and reliable energy and reducing diesel fuel consumption.
For the 3 sites above existing feasibility studies will be updated, and preliminary ESIA, ESMP, resettlement framework and technical specifications for tender documents will be elaborated.
In addition, for 5 out of 12 preselected hydropower sites prefeasibility studies will be conducted.
As an option, assistance to UCM during the 24 months implementation period of the 3 sites in terms of technical, social and environmental aspects will be given.
intec's services
The main objective of the consultant's service is divided into two main tasks:
Task 1:
- Review and update existing feasibility studies for the Tshilomba (3 MW), Tshala II (6 MW), and the Kafumbu (2 MW) hydropower plants
- Review and prepare preliminary environmental and social impact studies (preliminary ESIA) for the 3 sites including the transmission and distribution network and access roads according to Congolese legislation, IFC Performance Standards, and General Environmental, Health and Safety Directives (EHS) from the World Bank Group
- Preparation of Environmental, Social Management Plans (ESMP), political resettlement framework and review of necessary permits according to local and international standards (IFC)
- Preparation of technical specifications for tender documents serving as an input for the transaction and implementation consultant under another contract
Task 2:
- Identification and ranking of 5 additional hydropower sites from 12 preselected sites
- Establishment of prefeasibility studies for the 5 selected sites
UCM (Unité de Coordination et de Management des Projets du Ministère)Financing
KfWPeriod of implementation
06/2021 - 06/2024
Zafarana 50 MW Grid Connected PV Power Plant
Egypt’s demand for electricity is growing rapidly because of rapid urbanisation and economic growth. The need to develop alternative power resources is becoming ever more urgent. Alternative energy options such as PV can help meet the increasing demand. NREA has set strategic targets to supply 20% of the electric energy demand form RE sources by the year 2022. In response to the government’s request, KfW cooperated with NREA on the identification and financing of a solar power plant with an installed capacity of 50 MW to be built in Zafarana.
NREA assigned intec to support their project implementation team and to supervise the PV plant procurement, construction as well as its operation and maintenance during the five year warranty period.
intec's services
- Project management (establish, review and update of project management system)
- Preliminary works (review site characteristic and project concept, assess ESIA/ESMP with respect to World Bank Guidelines and IFC Performance Standards)
- Procurement assistance (technical and financial evaluation of EPC proposals, preparation of contract documents, contract negotiation)
- Review of works carried out by the Contractor prior to construction (review and approve engineering design)
- Inspection, testing and delivery control during the period of manufacturing (FAT)
- Construction supervision (coordinate, supervise and inspect all construction and erection activities, review and Monitoring implementation of EHS Activities in the Environmental Management Plan, operate and maintain a system to remotely monitor the construction works)
- Supervision of the EHS-management plan to be implemented by the Contractor
- Establish the EHS monitoring plan for NREA for the further operation of the PV plant
- Commissioning and assistance tests (Coordination and supervision of all tests during commissioning)
- Power Quality Monitoring (supervise the power quality before and after connection of the PV plant to the grid)
- Assistance to NREA in operation and maintenance and power plant performance evaluation (Development of O&M processes and manuals, review O&M and performance of the power plant, Support on the preparation of a long-term operation plan)
- Transfer of knowledge and training
- Remote management, monitoring and verification system with via document management system and photo / video documentations
New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA)Financing
KfW Development BankPeriod of implementation
15.09.2019 - 01.09.2026Georgia - Technical Assistance Project in Support of the Georgian Energy Sector Reform Programme (GESRP)
The project will support the reform of the Georgian electricity market to one that is strongly aligned with the EU’s internal electricity market. This means that the Project contributes to the implementation of a reform for the Georgian electricity market, in alignment with commitments made under Georgia´s accession to the En-ergy Community, into one that conforms to the EU´s Third Energy Package. In support of the reform, a tech-nical assistance package, i.e. this Project, was designed in order to support the Georgian energy sector’s de-velopment.
The Technical Assistance Measures (TAMs) are divided into four components:
Component 1: Energy efficiency regulation including standards
Component 2: Energy performance in buildings (EE in buildings)
Component 3: Renewable energy
Component 4: Power market regulation
intec's services
The consultant is requested to develop technical assistance services in different fields through policy, regula-tory, financial, engineering and legal advisory, institutional building as well as capacity building in following subjects (26 technical assistance measures):
- Supporting the establishment of legislative and regulatory environment(s) for energy efficiency
- Support with energy efficiency calculation(s)
- Developing model(s) of certification and inspection (as well supporting setting up and implementation)
- Support with implementation of energy efficiency-relevant legislation (i.e. energy efficiency law, construc-tion code) in support of energy efficiency in buildings
- Training programme for construction sector
- Support GoG in setting up/scaling up the institutions responsible for energy efficiency implementation
- Investments’ preparation
- Energy market development through support to GoG and GNERC (Regulatory Agency)
- Renewable energy policy planning
- European legislative transposition
- Energy market reform regulation
- Designing and implementation of a communication plan, visibility and awareness raising
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (MoESD)Financing
KfWPeriod of implementation
07/2021 - 06/2025Congo - Performance of Technical, Environmental and Social Studies and Monitoring the Implementation of the Prohydro Programme
The project consists of the financing, construction and operation of hydropower plants and the corresponding transmission lines up to the REGIDESO (state water utility) water supply and treatment facilities, potential large consumers and of the distribution network to individual customers (households) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) located near the sites. The hydropower plants will be partially financed by the private sector (IPP, PPP) under a power purchase agreement (PPA).
The objective, through UCM and the KfW bank, is to use the Tshilomba (3 MW), Tshala II (6 MW), and the Kafumbu (2 MW) projects as reference projects in order to improve the electricity supply to REGIDESO facilities as well as to the local population and industry by providing clean, renewable and reliable energy and reducing diesel fuel consumption.
For the 3 sites above existing feasibility studies will be updated, and preliminary ESIA, ESMP, resettlement framework and technical specifications for tender documents will be elaborated.
In addition, for 5 out of 12 preselected hydropower sites prefeasibility studies will be conducted.
As an option, assistance to UCM during the 24 months implementation period of the 3 sites in terms of technical, social and environmental aspects will be given.
intec's services
The main objective of the consultant's service is divided into two main tasks:
Task 1:
- Review and update existing feasibility studies for the Tshilomba (3 MW), Tshala II (6 MW), and the Kafumbu (2 MW) hydropower plants
- Review and prepare preliminary environmental and social impact studies (preliminary ESIA) for the 3 sites including the transmission and distribution network and access roads according to Congolese legislation, IFC Performance Standards, and General Environmental, Health and Safety Directives (EHS) from the World Bank Group
- Preparation of Environmental, Social Management Plans (ESMP), political resettlement framework and review of necessary permits according to local and international standards (IFC)
- Preparation of technical specifications for tender documents serving as an input for the transaction and implementation consultant under another contract
Task 2:
- Identification and ranking of 5 additional hydropower sites from 12 preselected sites
- Establishment of prefeasibility studies for the 5 selected sites
UCM (Unité de Coordination et de Management des Projets du Ministère)Financing
KfWPeriod of implementation
06/2021 - 06/2024-
Bangladesh - Project Implementation & Supervision Consultancy Services for the Project “Modernization of Power Distribution – Smart Grids Phase I”
The Project concerns investments to modernize the distribution system in order to contribute to a safer, more reliable and more stable electricity supply as well as to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Bangla-desh.
The targets of the assignment is to provide expertise in the implementation of the following measures:
- Introduction of a central SCADA system to connect 97 nos. 33/11 kV substations of WZPDCL.
- Complete Renovation of 20 (16 Regular type and 4 Rural type) nos. 33/11 kV substations and installation of substations automation system in 8 nos. of additional 33/11 kV substations.
- Construction of 121.68 km and Rehabilitation of 61.60 km of 33 kV distribution lines.
- Construction/Extension of 20 nos. 33kV bays at different WZPDCL’s and PGCB’s substations.
- Bringing WZPDCL's distribution network under GIS mapping.
intec's services
The Consultant’s tasks to be rendered are split into four separate stages and individual steps:
- Preliminary Design and Tender Documents
- Concept review and preparation of Preliminary Design
- Prepare PQ and Tender Documents
- Assistance During Tendering
- Prequalification Process
- Tender Process
- Bid Evaluation Process, Contract Negotiations and Award
- Supervision of Design Works, Construction Works and Supplies
- Contract Implementation
- Commissioning
- Services during Defect Notification Period and Closure of Project
West Zone Power Distribution Company LimitedFinancing
KfWPeriod of implementation
07/2023 - 12/2026 -
Zanzibar - Consultancy Services for Design, Procurement Support and Supervision of SCADA/EMS/OMS System
The expected activities under the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS investments include the design, supply, and installation, and commissioning of the SCADA, including an EMS to enhance ZECO’s oversight and control of network operations. The main objective of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments is to improve network reliability, data acquisition, employee/public safety, and the control and dispatch of the VRE power generation and BESS. The proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS investments will support the necessary hardware and software; communication infrastructure; and a fully equipped control center and will cover all relevant network elements/nodes between 11 kV and 132 kV, inclusive. The SCADA/EMS/OMS will be equipped with the neces-sary data protection facilities to protect it from the threat of unauthorised external access and cybercrime.
intec's services
Phase 1:
- Develop functional specifications and prepare preliminary designs for the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS and control center
- Design the communication layout and configuration using appropriate telecommunication links for be-tween various grid installations
- Prepare detailed cost estimates based on the preliminary designs for discussion with the Client
- Conduct an economic and financial analysis of the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS
- Prepare bidding documents for the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS in line with World Bank procurement reg-ulations
- Support the Client during the entire procurement process for the supply and installation contractor who will design, manufacture, supply, install, test and commission the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS system. The support under Phase 1 will end upon finalization of contract award for the supply and installation of the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS system
- Facilitate transfer of knowledge and skills to the Client’s technical staff during Phase 1
Phase 2:
- Review all the detailed designs prepared by the contractor/suppliers and issue approval prior to manufac-turing, supply, and installation of equipment
- Attend factory acceptance tests (FATs) of all major SCADA/EMS/OMS equipment on behalf of the Client. This will be done in conjunction with nominated Client counterparts
- Project manage, supervise, monitor, and report on SCADA/EMS/OMS activities to the Client and other key stakeholders
- Certify works progress and payment requests by the contractor/suppliers
- Review and recommend for approval any additional scope of work and extension of time required for successful completion and operation of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments
- Participate in the witnessing of the SCADA/EMS/OMS commissioning activities and ensure that all rele-vant operation and maintenance manuals and as-built drawings are submitted to the Client as required by the supply/installation contract
- Support Client to ensure effective transfer of knowledge and skills by the contractor to the Client’s tech-nical staff during the design, manufacturing, supply and installation of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments
- Respond to requests for support from Client on any issues and questions that may arise during the Defects Liability Period (DPL), which is expected to be twelve (12) months after commissioning and hand-over of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments to the Client
Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO)Financing
International Development AssociationPeriod of implementation
06/2023 - 11/2026 -
Construction of a 37.5 MWp photovoltaic solar power plant in Boundiali, Côte d'Ivoire
The objective of the mission is to complete the design studies, supervise the construction of a 37.5 MWp solar photovoltaic plant including 10MWh/5MW of storage in northern Côte d'Ivoire and train and assist the project team to ensure its operation.
intec's services
- Study phase
- Detailed design study, including the solar power plant, storage, connection to the national grid, considera-tion of environmental, social and safety aspects
- Building permit documents and other administrative authorizations
- Project plans and detailed technical specifications
- Assistance during tendering process
- Preparation of tender documents based on existing studies
- Consultation of companies
- Preparation of contracts for works and supply of goods and services
- Construction phase
- Inspections, tests and acceptance of equipment during manufacture
- Control and monitoring of the execution of works on site
- Health, safety and environment
- Acceptance and settlement of works
- Preparation of the file of the executed works
- Supervision during the operation phase
- Verification of the execution of supplies and/or services and their payment
- Training
- Assistance during the warranty period
Côte d’Ivoire Energies (CI-ENERGIES)Financing
KfW EntwicklungsbankPeriod of implementation
10/2019 – 10/2023
Bangladesh - Project Implementation & Supervision Consultancy Services for the Project “Modernization of Power Distribution – Smart Grids Phase I”
The Project concerns investments to modernize the distribution system in order to contribute to a safer, more reliable and more stable electricity supply as well as to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Bangla-desh.
The targets of the assignment is to provide expertise in the implementation of the following measures:
- Introduction of a central SCADA system to connect 97 nos. 33/11 kV substations of WZPDCL.
- Complete Renovation of 20 (16 Regular type and 4 Rural type) nos. 33/11 kV substations and installation of substations automation system in 8 nos. of additional 33/11 kV substations.
- Construction of 121.68 km and Rehabilitation of 61.60 km of 33 kV distribution lines.
- Construction/Extension of 20 nos. 33kV bays at different WZPDCL’s and PGCB’s substations.
- Bringing WZPDCL's distribution network under GIS mapping.
intec's services
The Consultant’s tasks to be rendered are split into four separate stages and individual steps:
- Preliminary Design and Tender Documents
- Concept review and preparation of Preliminary Design
- Prepare PQ and Tender Documents
- Assistance During Tendering
- Prequalification Process
- Tender Process
- Bid Evaluation Process, Contract Negotiations and Award
- Supervision of Design Works, Construction Works and Supplies
- Contract Implementation
- Commissioning
- Services during Defect Notification Period and Closure of Project
West Zone Power Distribution Company LimitedFinancing
KfWPeriod of implementation
07/2023 - 12/2026Zanzibar - Consultancy Services for Design, Procurement Support and Supervision of SCADA/EMS/OMS System
The expected activities under the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS investments include the design, supply, and installation, and commissioning of the SCADA, including an EMS to enhance ZECO’s oversight and control of network operations. The main objective of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments is to improve network reliability, data acquisition, employee/public safety, and the control and dispatch of the VRE power generation and BESS. The proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS investments will support the necessary hardware and software; communication infrastructure; and a fully equipped control center and will cover all relevant network elements/nodes between 11 kV and 132 kV, inclusive. The SCADA/EMS/OMS will be equipped with the neces-sary data protection facilities to protect it from the threat of unauthorised external access and cybercrime.
intec's services
Phase 1:
- Develop functional specifications and prepare preliminary designs for the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS and control center
- Design the communication layout and configuration using appropriate telecommunication links for be-tween various grid installations
- Prepare detailed cost estimates based on the preliminary designs for discussion with the Client
- Conduct an economic and financial analysis of the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS
- Prepare bidding documents for the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS in line with World Bank procurement reg-ulations
- Support the Client during the entire procurement process for the supply and installation contractor who will design, manufacture, supply, install, test and commission the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS system. The support under Phase 1 will end upon finalization of contract award for the supply and installation of the proposed SCADA/EMS/OMS system
- Facilitate transfer of knowledge and skills to the Client’s technical staff during Phase 1
Phase 2:
- Review all the detailed designs prepared by the contractor/suppliers and issue approval prior to manufac-turing, supply, and installation of equipment
- Attend factory acceptance tests (FATs) of all major SCADA/EMS/OMS equipment on behalf of the Client. This will be done in conjunction with nominated Client counterparts
- Project manage, supervise, monitor, and report on SCADA/EMS/OMS activities to the Client and other key stakeholders
- Certify works progress and payment requests by the contractor/suppliers
- Review and recommend for approval any additional scope of work and extension of time required for successful completion and operation of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments
- Participate in the witnessing of the SCADA/EMS/OMS commissioning activities and ensure that all rele-vant operation and maintenance manuals and as-built drawings are submitted to the Client as required by the supply/installation contract
- Support Client to ensure effective transfer of knowledge and skills by the contractor to the Client’s tech-nical staff during the design, manufacturing, supply and installation of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments
- Respond to requests for support from Client on any issues and questions that may arise during the Defects Liability Period (DPL), which is expected to be twelve (12) months after commissioning and hand-over of the SCADA/EMS/OMS investments to the Client
Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO)Financing
International Development AssociationPeriod of implementation
06/2023 - 11/2026Construction of a 37.5 MWp photovoltaic solar power plant in Boundiali, Côte d'Ivoire
The objective of the mission is to complete the design studies, supervise the construction of a 37.5 MWp solar photovoltaic plant including 10MWh/5MW of storage in northern Côte d'Ivoire and train and assist the project team to ensure its operation.
intec's services
- Study phase
- Detailed design study, including the solar power plant, storage, connection to the national grid, considera-tion of environmental, social and safety aspects
- Building permit documents and other administrative authorizations
- Project plans and detailed technical specifications
- Assistance during tendering process
- Preparation of tender documents based on existing studies
- Consultation of companies
- Preparation of contracts for works and supply of goods and services
- Construction phase
- Inspections, tests and acceptance of equipment during manufacture
- Control and monitoring of the execution of works on site
- Health, safety and environment
- Acceptance and settlement of works
- Preparation of the file of the executed works
- Supervision during the operation phase
- Verification of the execution of supplies and/or services and their payment
- Training
- Assistance during the warranty period