Power Systems
We help to ensure the security of power supply, its economic viability and environmental compatibility
A reliable energy supply is fundamental for the sustainable development of every economy yet it poses a permanent challenge for power generation, as well as for power at the level of transmission and distribution.
Consisting of experienced and globally operating consultants, intec takes on the complexity of the planning, extension, rehabilitation, operation and control of electrical power systems by applying the latest technology, plus identifying the most cost-effective solutions.
Our technical and innovative concepts, coupled with our expertise in the implementation of Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts, allow our customers to adapt their electric power system to ever-changing demand and environmental conditions. We ensure that this continues to meet all energy requirements well into the future.
We also work on solutions for regions confronted with specific challenges such as dispersed demographic structures, considerable distances between power production centres and centres of consumption, or extremely low load density in rural areas.
Together with our clients, we define the tools to ensure reliable and efficient power generation, to increase the availability of the network, to respond faster and more effectively to malfunctions, and to reduce the risk of system disturbances and outages.
intec's engineering & design competence covers electrical, mechanical and hydromechanical works, civil works, power control, protection and telecommunication for all applicable power generation, transmission and distribution systems. Our services are not limited to technical aspects, but also include social and environmental impact analyses, health and safety aspects, financial management and organisation plus human development.

Network planning is a complex process encompassing collection and analysis of a large number of technical and non-technical data. The aim being to ensure reliable, stable power systems in the pre-sent and/or in the future.
intec offers professional methods for analysis and calculation of transmission networks for all voltage levels (from simple point-to-point interconnection to extra-high-voltage transmission networks), medium/low voltage distribution networks of any size (from micro grids to large interconnected power systems). Our experts provide power system modelling and analyses, grid integration studies as well as grid stability analyses using various modern and internationally-recognised software such as Siemens PSS®E and SINCAL, DigSILENT, PowerFactory, NEPLAN, WASP, ArcGIS etc.
intec’s team of specialists is also able to perform development plans for distribution and transmis-sion networks. This includes grid integration studies of conventional and renewable power plants, and subsequently to establish grid codes and other documents defining technical requirements and oper-ation rules for all energy market participants.
In accordance with the best engineering practices, we can provide our clients at the operation level of power systems with information or complete studies a day or several days ahead of operation. These studies include forecast modelling and analyses, net transfer capacity, generation adequacy analyses, protection coordination studies, solutions for high penetration of variable renewable sources, power quality, power system stability, congestions or short circuit currents to name but a few.
In the framework of all these activities, intec has the knowhow and experience to organise adequate appropriate training programmes on a diverse range of topics.

The design and construction of high-voltage and extra-high voltage power grids pose special requirements with regard to their safety and stability. intec is one of the leading engineering and con-sulting companies to have a solid and integrated base of know-how and experience with national and interconnected power grids up to 750 kV.
Using high-performance tools, intec offers its clients high quality consulting, design and engineering services in the field of rehabilitation, new erection and extension of overhead transmission lines, substations and switchgears including transformer stations, underground cables including auxiliary systems and secondary equipment.
For example, we are one of the few international consulting companies with in-depth experience in the application of sophisticated technologies, such as Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) for up to 400 kV substations, converter stations, installation of optic fibre cables (OPGW, ADSS, OPUG), underground cables up to 132 kV, and submarine interconnections.
Moreover, our specialists are among the most highly regarded designers of transmission towers under special weather and terrain conditions, including river crossings up to 1,200 m span and 160 m tower height.
Thanks to the high reliability of our solutions for HV and EHV networks, we deliver an extensive and fully-managed EPC service, with innovative approaches and utilising our strong engineering, advisory and management capacities. We continue to build on the long and successful relationships with our customers.
Power distribution systems and their efficiency, reliability and economic performance, face a number of challenges. These are caused by increasing numbers of consumers leading to increased loads, and also the integration of renewable generation.
intec has a long history in the development of network concepts and the implementation of power distribution projects worldwide. Our services range from elaborating drafts and detailed designs, to assistance during the provisional and final acceptance procedures. Also included is the preparation of bidding documents, the assistance in procurement procedures and the administrative follow-up of construction contracts, as well as the supervision or monitoring of works.
intec has acquired solid experience in the implementation of measures for reducing technical and non-technical losses in distribution networks, not only in the operation but also in the planning phase. A further focus of our competence lies in the detailed design of reliable urban and affordable rural distribution systems, as well as the preparation of masterplans for optimising power distribution at regional or national level. This includes also, among others, an optimised integration of hybrid and re-newable power plants.
intec has integrated the geographical information systems (GIS) at all work levels. This enables the company to carry out complex analyses of spatial data, then report to its clients with study results in easy-to-interpret thematic diagrams and geo-referenced drawings and schedules. All of these can be directly used in the implementation of power projects.
For all of the described activities, intec proposes training and skill development services for clients’ technical staff.
The rapid increase in demand for power, associated with the growing complexity of grid systems, requires efficient monitoring of electricity flows the application of provisions necessary for the coordinated operation of the system components (power generation plants, transmission and distribution grid).
intec is highly specialised with a team of globally renown professionals in hi-tech control mechanisms and Energy Management System applications at its disposal.
By providing comprehensive technical-economic consulting services for implementating of Control/SCADA systems including SCADA platform of appropriate SCADA/EMS solutions, intec supports its clients, such as utilities, in managing their national or regional Power Grid Transmission Networks from dispatching control centres.
In connection with the construction of load dispatching centers, clients can place full confidence in our first-class engineering & consulting services. Our experts have extensive experience in all design, planning tasks and project management skills. Their experience also encompasses concept development, installation of telecommunication control systems, expansion of data transfer systems, construction management and system commissioning.
A dependable and affordable energy supply is the foundation for economic growth. Nevertheless, we have to make effective use of the energy resources currently available. New technologies can keep limited resources on hand for longer, reduce environmental impact, and improve the security of a given energy supply. Conventional power plants will continue to represent the backbone of the energy supply for the next few decades.
intec provides engineering and management solutions for public and industrial energy enterprises in favour of new thermal-power and combined heat & power plants. Additionally, our in-depth comprehension of conventional, gas-turbine and diesel-engine technology using various fossil fuels, forms a sound basis for the optimisation and assessment of existing plants.
intec provides comprehensive technical-economic consulting, planning and design services. Our team handles all contract phases, from civil and process engineering, to mechanical engineering, to electrical and I&C engineering, as well as commissioning supervision.
Our global network of experts are masters of all modern technologies as well as the planning and pro-ject management skills required to develop customised concepts, construction management and plant commissioning at the highest quality level.