Uganda - 10 MW PV Solar Project in Tororo District

The Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) invests into a 10 MW PV solar power project to be developed, owned and operated by the company Tororo Solar North Ltd. (TSN). FMO contracted the services of a consultant to carry out lenders' technical, environmental and social due diligence of the project, construction supervision and monitoring of operational performance.
intec's services
A. Due Diligence Phase
- Project site assessment: topography, solar resource and ambient conditions; logistics; etc.
- Review of technology and plant design
- Review of energy yield analysis and forecasts for expected power production in kWh
- Review of project contracts / agreements (i.a. PPA, interconnection, O&M, water supply & land agreements)
- Review of construction and completion testing, of off-take structure (PPA) and of O&M structure
- Electrical interconnection review
- Check and follow-up of permits and licenses
- Review of expected project costs and of financial model assumptions
- Review of the project's environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) process and report
- Summary of recommendations and proposed actions in a draft environmental and social action plan (ESAP)
B. Construction and Commissioning Phase
- Construction monitoring and quality assurance
- Design review and approval
- Review of acceptance testing procedures and test witnessing
- Participation in commissioning and taking-over
C. Operational Phase (services on call until 2032)
Monitoring of punch list items, review of operational performance, periodical review of operation reports
Netherlands Development Finance Company ("FMO")
Access Uganda Solar Limited
Period of implementation
20.3.2015 - 31.7.2018